HARP Home Refinancing: Find Out If You Are Eligible

Might you be eligible?

See if you meet these basic eligibility requirements:

  • You are current on your mortgage, with no 30-day+ late payments in the last six months and no more than one in the past 12 months
  • Your home is your primary residence, a 1-unit second home or a 1- to 4-unit investment property.
  • Your loan is owned by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae. You can use the Loan Look-up Tools below if you are unsure.
  • Your loan was originated on or before May 31, 2009. By using the loan look-up tools below, this date will be made available to you.
  • Your current loan-to-value (LTV) ratio must be greater than 80%. Calculate your LTV ratio with this tool.

Is your mortgage owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?

Use their online tools to quickly find out, or call them toll-free:

Fannie Mae
Loan Look-up Tool:
Call: 800-7FANNIE (8 am to 8 pm ET)

Freddie Mac
Loan Look-up Tool:
Call: 800-FREDDIE (8 am to 8 pm ET)

Note: Be sure and check your address on both the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac look-up tool. If your address does not appear in the look-up tool of either site, your loan is not owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac and you are not eligible for the program.

Turned down before? Now’s the time to try again.

HARP has been significantly enhanced since it launched in 2009. The program now requires less documentation and has simpler guidelines, all designed to approve more loans.

Courtesy of Federal Housing Finance Agency.