How Poor Mental Health Can Affect Your Overall Health

A healthy mental attitude can boost individual’s emotional state and lengthen their life span. It is important for individuals to learn how to handle the everyday stresses in their life. How well people handle their stress will determine the outcome of both their physical and mental status. An article found at Health U.S. News paints a vivid picture of the negative impact poor mental health have on individuals overall health.

Negative Physical Effects of Poor Mental Health

Poor mental health can lead to depression, stress, mental fatigue, weight loss, incompetence, headaches and insomnia. Any of these issues can weaken the body’s immune system and ultimately lead to an early and untimely death, illness or disease. According to research, people with mental issues refrain from most physical activities such as exercising.

This lack of physical activity opens the door for obesity, heart disease and diabetes. There is also the possibility of drug and alcohol abuse. People with mental disabilities often fall prey to crimes, bad health and even imprisonment. When this happens they are less likely to help the type of help they need.

Implementing new health ideas can add years to people’s life. People who experience poor mental health does not make the best “Life Choices.” They are not able to cope with disappointment, loss, grief and anxiety. Simple choices like what to wear or which foods to eat become an overbearing task. Diet plays a major role in maintaining a positive mental state of being. In fact, individuals with poor mental health rarely take time to eat the foods they need, in order to keep their body healthy and their brain functioning properly.

Unhealthy Eating Habits Leads to Deteriorating Health

People who are not in control of their emotional health, does not understand the importance of eating healthy. Their mind is not geared toward going to the store and picking up fruits, vegetables, meats and vitamin supplements. They do not feel good about themselves, and in most cases they really do care if they live or die.

Poor mental health disrupts people life in the worse possible way. Their emotional state causes them to experience several types of emotions at the same time, and they can rarely explain how they are feeling at any given moment. Having a positive support system in place can prevent most problems from spiraling out of control.

Improve Mental Health – Make the Connection

The body reacts to emotions of how people act, feel and think. This is because the mind and body share a connection. When the body or mind is stressed, the body reacts by causing an increase in blood pressure, or a sudden upset stomach develops or perhaps a pounding headache miraculously ruins the day.

These symptoms are ways of letting individuals know that something is not right. Before individuals mental health gets too far out of control, the body almost always sends out a cry for help, but it is up to the individuals to answer the call, and correct the problem. Good mental health leads to good physical health and long life.